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Culture is our strongest competitive advantage of all
One of B3’s growth strategies involves launching new business units by setting up new companies. This can be done by recruiting entrepreneurs who are able to start new B3 companies, with the desire and ambition for further development within the group. B3 took its first steps outside Sweden in 2018, when entrepreneurs Martin Nilsson and Rafal Dabkowski established B3 Consulting Poland as a joint venture with B3.
Heavily inspired by Scandinavian culture, Martin and Rafal wanted to form a company where culture was a key success factor, creating an open climate with the individual at its heart.
We are both engineers and entrepreneurs with broad backgrounds within the IT consulting industry, explains Rafal. We had both worked in the industry for many years, and in several situations we felt limited by the culture and the structures. We both came to the conclusion that we wanted to start our own company in which culture was a key success factor, and in which people would have the opportunity to flourish. We were inspired by the Scandinavian culture and wanted to contact a company in the Scandinavian market to investigate the possibilities for cooperation. B3 cropped up as an interesting company, and when we contacted CEO Sven Uthorn we immediately felt that we shared the same values and that there were excellent opportunities to work together.
Scandinavian culture
The Polish entrepreneurs were inspired by both the business model and its basis within the IT consulting industry, but they were particularly attracted by B3’s culture which they saw as the company’s strongest competitive advantage of all. We’re driven by developing people. Openness and the ability for everyone to have their voice heard are both important to us. We value an open climate with the individual at its heart. That applies to our employees, of course, but also to our customer relationships. If you enjoy your work, you’ll do a good job and you’ll have the right conditions to create a masterpiece.
Martin believes that Scandinavian culture features a high degree of transparency and long term focus on win-win.“In Scandinavia, you listen to employees and have cordial agreements rather than complex employment contracts assuming many hypothetical situations. And it’s the culture and the familiar approach that our employees appreciate the most about working for B3. Likewise, we ourselves appreciate the friendly culture and the excellent cooperation within the group.”
The fact that B3 takes care of its employees and focuses on activities to enhance their wellbeing has brought unexpected opportunities.
“We never would have believed that we would start participating in triathlons, but we’ve actually carried out a number of sporting events together that have strengthened us as a group.”
Strong growth in Poland
At the end of 2018, there were eight consultants working in Warsaw. The company now has around 70 employees, and has also opened an office in Krakow. There has been excellent growth over the years, not only in terms of new employees but also with exciting customer projects and many new collaborations. Long-term, conscious work is the secret to this success and B3’s impressive growth in the Polish market.
Another important success factor is the cooperation between the two of us, adds Rafal, and Martin is quick to agree. “We work really well together as a team, and we constantly challenge, support and boost each other – whether we’re having a good day or a less good day. I never could have managed this journey on my own.
Today, the company is mainly focused on software development, cloud technology including infrastructure, and the digital workplace. The latter area has undergone real growth over the last year, due to the global pandemic.
B3 Consulting Poland’s ambitions include continued growth, but in a controlled manner and with employees who share the same attitude so that the company’s culture can be preserved. We look forward to new cooperation with new customers, as well as increased cooperation with other B3 companies. And we strive to keep developing both new and existing employees.